March 12, 2025
Who Are We?       Watch You Tube Video - Walk By Faith

Discipleship Training Ministries, Inc. is a non-profit organization founded in 1983 to carry out the directive that Jesus, the Christ, gave to His followers:

 "All authority was given to Me in heaven and earth.  Going, therefore, disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all things which I have commanded you; and, look, I Myself am with you all the days, until the conclusion of the age."                     Matthew 28:18-20
What Is Our Purpose?

In the quotation cited above, the only real stated command in Jesus' words was to "disciple" people.  A disciple is an active follower of a person, an adherent of a belief and way of life.  At DTM, to "disciple" someone means that we help them to more effectively know and follow Jesus.  Though the local church is the primary place that we would expect discipleship to be taking place, oftentimes it just is not happening effectively.

It is our calling to assist in this vital part of the ministry of Christ's Body -- to help people grow and become mature where they are, and to teach people in local churches how they can more effectively help their own people grow.
What Does DTM Do For People To Help Them Grow?
Most of what we do has revolved around one-to-one mentoring, small groups for study and encouragement, seminars and workshops, home church fellowships, leadership training, New Testament Greek classes, problem-solving about personal issues, and the production of teaching materials.
What Do We Believe? 
Discipleship Training Ministries, Inc. believes that the Old and New Testaments of the Bible were Divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit to serve as a revelation of the character, nature, and actions of God in history.  They are the best, and primary, sources of information regarding all issues of faith and obedience.  DTM is soundly within the camp of evangelical orthodoxy in regard to our understanding of this revelation.